Sunday, July 18, 2010

Stamps! Coming Soon.

 Hey guys daengpengu here billybob made a new post check it out

Hello Penguins!

Some of you have noticed that we've updated last Saturday's Sneak Peek over the week. Here's the last of those mystery images...
Lots of you sent in some great guesses about what you thought they might be. Corncand said:

These look like stamps or stickers! My guess is we will have an album to put them im every time we earn them and maybe we will have to do tasks to earn them anyway im excited!

Thanks Corncand! I couldn't have said it better myself. Starting July 26, you'll be able to earn and collect stamps!

Some of you commented that you think stamps are in games like Aqua Grabber. There's a lot more to stamps than just playing games...  You'll have to work together to earn many of them!!

You'll get your own Stamp Book to put them in, and you can show off your collection to everyone.

We hope you're excited - can't wait to hear what you think.

Until then... Waddle on!

-Club Penguin Team

Woot we will finnaly have stamps :D

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

New Field-Ops

Hey guys. The new Field-Ops is here! heres a guide to help you out...

1. go to the HQ and accept the mission

2. Head over to the cave mine and go to the generator thing with the lightbulb

3. after you do that, the PDA will turn green.

4. Play the matching game, and roll over the little red dots. If two match, click both of them, and they will explode. Keep doing this to all the red dots.

5. You Win! congratulations.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

New Igloo!

Ok, so i was looking around on google and stumbled upon this pic of a new igloo coming
out pretty soon, but idk when it is...check it out! ;D

What do you think? are you gonna buy it? comment and tell us.

~cpcheatsguidecp team
Hey, guys! i found this sneak peek of a new club penguin toy coming out sometime soon.
here it is.

Do you like it? tell me what you think in the comments...

Saturday, June 26, 2010

"Herbert's Revenge" in AU and UK

Hello Penguins,

I've got good news for Elite Agents in the UK and Australia - "Herbert's Revenge" will be in stores in your regions soon! June 26 for the UK, and July 7 for Australia.

There's still lots of other places we're working to get "Herbert's Revenge", so keep checking back for more updates.

Also - we've heard lots of feedback on the things you liked about "Herbert's Revenge", and what you would improve. We'd love to hear more, so leave a comment and let us know what you think!

Until then... Waddle on!

-Club Penguin Team

Friday, June 18, 2010

Hey! I'm the newest author on this blog!
About me:
My name is Violetta21
I like playing CP and meeting new people, um, I mean, penguins.
If you wanna see more about me, check out my Youtube channel and blog:

There are 3 blog moderators now:


We'll be posting more cool stuff, so stay tuned!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

New author

Hello my name is daengpengu and im the new author here let me introduce myself
Hobbies:Playing cp,soccer and badminton
Heres a picture of my outfit
Well thats all i will be posting son :)